About Ogg Vorbis
Ogg Vorbis is a new audio compression format. It is different from other formats such as MP3 or AAC because it is completely free, open, and unpatented. For a given file size, Vorbis sounds better than MP3. This means you can keep your music collection at about the same quality level, but it'll take up less space, or you can have your music collection take up about the same amount of space and have it sound better.
CashRamPlayer is a revolutionary music player which automatically pays your bill from your CashRamSpam account as you play the music, so you only pay for what you actually hear. Don't forget to make CashRamPlay your default player for .ogx files. Supports ordinary ogg file format and the encrypted ogg files encoded by CashRamSplit. Java Runtime Environment Version 6 or higher is required.
Ogg Vorbis Encoders (For artists)
If you are a musician and wish to convert your music to ogg file format, you will need a ogg encoder.
Sound Editors
To edit your existing sound files (e.g. to make sample files), try one of the free sound editors listed below.