This is the fourth in the CashRamSpam series of interactive web sites. Here you can upload your music that the record companies weren't interested in or the book with all those rejection slips or even that computer game you created so well along with the photograph of that amazing painting that now hangs in your hallway. Well, you have all come to the right place! Now everyone can see your talent and to prove it is talent you could get paid what you say you want for others to hear, read or play and see what you have to offer, plus we have probably the world's most advanced anti piracy software to help keep it safe. Even mainstream recording industry and book publishers should use CashRamRadio simply because it is probably the safest and most advanced selling method there is.
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* Featured Album
Max Remedy - Magic
Listen to the magical sound of Max Remedy!
If you are looking for an album with unique sound and mature voice, this one's for you.
Australian singer Amanda Palmer is a freelance TV and print journalist and song writer based in London. Her star sign is Taurus. Londoner Simon Laffy is an IT specialist and a musician song writer.