这是CashRamSpam 系列中的最新互动网站. 您可以上传没能在唱片公司发行的歌曲,或者没能发表的书籍,精彩的游戏,醒目的摄影. 这是您的一个发挥平台! 在这里,每个人可以看到您的能力,您的能力让人们付费听你的歌,读你的书,玩你的游戏,看你的摄影。我们有世界上最安全的软件保护您的权力. 声像书籍出版商可以用CashRamRadio 出售他们的作品.更多
* Featured Album
Max Remedy - Magic
Listen to the magical sound of Max Remedy!
If you are looking for an album with unique sound and mature voice, this one's for you.
Australian singer Amanda Palmer is a freelance TV and print journalist and song writer based in London. Her star sign is Taurus. Londoner Simon Laffy is an IT specialist and a musician song writer.