CashRamRadio has been set up to allow CashRamSpam account holders the opportunity to earn money from their efforts in their chosen field of artistry from Music to Gamers. Now all you have to do is to upload to CashRamRadio that overlooked art and start earning money. At CashRamRadio you decide how much you should be paid to share your creation with the World. Here you get 90% of the takings, not the measly 10% as in the current system.
At CashRamRadio all music files must be converted to the higher quality ogg file format before they are uploaded. These files will then automatically processed by CashRamSplit, our unique program for helping to stop piracy. When the file passes through CashRamSplit a specific amount of it is removed and stored away separately from the main file. Now your music can only be played by the Internet connected CashRamPlayer which brings that encrypted stored section back via the Internet and joins them together at the time of playing. When this happens it also automatically charges the Listener what you said you want for some one to 'Listen' to your music. So now instead of you selling the music outright you now sell 'Listening's'.
What is the advantage of 'Listening's' over outright sale?
Let's assume your music is popular. You are the copyright owner but once you sell it you know virtually nothing about what happens to it, including how many times it is played or where. Because only those with a CashRamSpam account can play your music then not only do you know who played it but now you know how often and when. This is possible because that person who played your music has a CashRamSpam account and you can if you want check out their demographics in the Green Pages or pay their email flag rate and get in contact with them. Also Listening's stop all non paying performances. Because your music will only play on CashRamPlayer then every time it is played you get paid. Now anybody can download your music for free, even on peer 2 peer but unless they use the Internet connected CashRamPlayer they cannot hear your music clearly. CashRamPlayer helps stop unauthorized playing. The other advantage is because the payment is for a Listening rather than for selling then actual sales could be higher because at a lower initial price more people should be interested to listen at least once. Also here at CashRamRadio you can if you want pay people to hear your music the first time and because we know who they are they only get paid once. After that they have to pay you to hear it again and again and you always decide how much.
Very soon CashRamSpam account holders will be able to download CashRamRadio music to their 2.5G+ cell phone and listen from there. Again the payment will be automatically taken each time the music is played, pro rata, even though it is being Listened to from your phone. The idea is eventually car radio's will be Internet connected and using CashRamRadio, music sellers will be able to broadcast safely without their music being stolen. Plus as a promotion they can pay the Listeners who can now legally record the music they like on the car radio and play it back when they want.
Book writings can be viewed by chapters. The first chapter can even pay the reader to read it. Games can be played by levels with the first level paying the gamer. Eventually contests can be made with the winners getting a CashRamSpam cash prize. Photographic work can be seen by viewings, each paid when using CashRamPlayer so don't forget to download CashRamPlayer if you want to listen, see or play the artist's offerings.
Please remember, this site is for original work only. No cover tracks of other people's work or anything where there is any doubt about the ownership of the copyright. Not only will offending works be removed from the site if the copyright ownership is in doubt but it should be remembered that it is also a criminal offence to both steal or attempt to steal.
Get your CashRamSpam free account here then login and begin your online business, or just listen to the music!!