Max Remedy
- Amanda Palmer
- Simon Laffy
총 파일수 : 6
장르 : Pop
발표일 : 2004년 03월
© 2004 www.cashramradio.com
2. Heart So Cold
3. What Can I
4. You Want To Run
6. Faith
Except for the samples all files were encoded using the CashRamSplit program. Please use CashRamPlayer to play all the complete songs.
Email: amandapalmer@cashramspam.com (Flag rate: AU$1.00)
Australian born singer Amanda Palmer is also a TV and print journalist and song writer based in London. After leaving Channel 7 in Sydney she co-hosted the CNN show Music Room. Now she works as Aljazeera English's head of entertainment and is the presenter on two shows, 48 and The Fabulous Picture Show.
Londoner Simon Laffy is an IT specialist and a musician song writer. He is also in a band called Man-Raze, with Phil Collen, though Phil Collen is also in Def Leppard.
16th November 2006
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